We begin with praise and gratitude to Allah SWT. We express our utmost gratitude to Allah, the One who has granted us life and blessings, enabling IAIN Parepare to persevere, thrive, and achieve various academic and non-academic recognitions. Welcome to the website of IAIN Parepare, a center of academic excellence dedicated to advancing knowledge through innovative research.
As the Rector of IAIN Parepare, I am delighted to welcome you to the world of discovery and scientific exploration. At IAIN Parepare, research is one of the key pillars we emphasize in our efforts to address global challenges and make significant progress.
We take pride in our experienced and dedicated faculty and staff members who not only teach with enthusiasm but also engage in impactful research. Across various disciplines, we encourage collaboration and the exchange of ideas among our faculty, staff, and students, with the goal of fostering innovation and groundbreaking discoveries that can change the world.
IAIN Parepare offers various research centers focused on critical areas that influence societal change. We also establish partnerships with governmental institutions, industries, and non-governmental organizations to expand the reach and impact of our research. We provide the necessary resources, funding, and technical support for our researchers to tackle complex challenges and generate relevant innovations.
Through this website, you will find information about ongoing research projects, scholarly publications, and the achievements of our researchers. We also provide details about study programs and scholarships designed to support students interested in pursuing careers in research.
We invite you to explore this website and discover a wide range of opportunities to engage in research and innovation at IAIN Parepare. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to further discuss potential collaborations and research opportunities in specific fields.
Thank you for visiting the IAIN Parepare website. Together, let us continue the journey of research and innovation that inspires, transforms the world, and serves the global community.

DR. Ahmad Sultra Rustan
Rektor Tahun 2014 - 2018 dan 2018 - 2022
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Prof. Rahim Arsyad, M.A
Rektor Tahun 2006 - 2010 dan 2010 - 2014
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Drs. Djamaluddin As'ad, M.Ag.
Rektor Tahun 2002 - 2006
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Drs. H. Abd. Rahman Idrus
Rektor Tahun 1996 - 2001
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Drs. H. Abd.Muiz Kabry
Rektor Tahun 1985 - 1996
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Drs. Mappanganro Damang
Rektor Tahun 1980 - 1985
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Drs. Bustani Syarif
Rektor Tahun 1973 - 1980
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Drs. La Nuri
Rektor Tahun 1972 - 1973
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K.H. Muh. Abduh Pabbaja
Rektor Tahun 1967 - 1972
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